Disaster risk reduction

Lausanne, Apr. 14th, 2016

In the Himalayan region, women are the pillars of the rural economies and yet, despite some progress, they continue to face more obstacles to development than men, as a result of gender-based discrimination.

In November 2014,...

The devastating earthquakes in Nepal have shown once again how vulnerable mountain people are to natural hazards. Science can provide evidence that helps to better focus policy and development efforts to strengthen the resilience of mountain people and ecosystems to natural disasters...

Este informe es una evaluación del estado del planeta y en ocasiones genera conciencia sobre el mismo. Sintetiza la gran información de evidencia que muestra que el sistema de la Tierra está bajo creciente amenaza: clima, biodiversidad, salud de los océanos, deforestación, ciclo del agua, ciclo del nitrógeno, ciclo del carbono, entre otros.

The Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) to be held in Sendai, Japan on 14–18 March 2015 will review progress in disaster risk reduction (DRR) over the past 10 years under the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), and adopt...

The 18th CC&E Newsletter will be coming out around mid-March. Thus, I kindly invite you to please:

Policy Brief

Sustainable mountains development should be a global priority given the multitude of services that mountains provide, among the most notable being water for half of humanity for drinking, irrigation and energy production. Theses ecosystem services are...


Rainfall variability and related hydrological disasters are serious threats to agricultural production in developing countries according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Since projections of climate change indicate an increase in the frequency and intensity of...

Author: Helen Mountfort, ODI

Many countries - from Armenia to Vietnam - are making the right noises about reducing disaster risk, including involving marginalised communities in debates on the topic.

October 13 is the UN International Day for...

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