farming systems
Written by Nelson Mazón , Eduardo Peralta , Elena Villacrés , Ángel Murillo
This story shows the power of farmers’ leadership and self-organisation to revitalise neglected crops. A successful partnership between farmers and socially committed researchers...
This issue of Farming Matters presents a small sample of the many innovative marketing arrangements being developed by both producers and consumers. These experiences generate substantial employment, and also build local food security and food sovereignty. Yet they...
Mountain Research and Development (MRD) plans to contribute to the UN’s International Year of Family Farming 2014. We are seeking policy- and practice-oriented, well-validated insights into effective arrangements for advancing and enhancing family farms.
MRD is also calling...
The Mountain Research Initiative and the DendroLab at the University of Nevada/Reno will hold in Reno a Global Fair and Workshop on Mountain Observatories, examining how we gather data on mountain social, biological and abiotic systems. It will also be an opportunity to visit state-of...