Mountain Observatories: A Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems

The Mountain Research Initiative and the DendroLab at the University of Nevada/Reno will hold in Reno a Global Fair and Workshop on Mountain Observatories, examining how we gather data on mountain social, biological and abiotic systems. It will also be an opportunity to visit state-of-the-art observing sites in the Lake Tahoe region of the Sierra Nevada on the border of California and Nevada!
This global event is a step toward more comprehensive observing systems for the world‘s mountain regions by building up from the grass-roots of existing observing systems. The Fair will feature a) Expositions in which participants explain their observing network or products in a poster session format and b) Side Meetings for more in-depth discussions. A multi-day Fair and Workshop for all who gather data on mountain social, biological or abiotic systems to
• describe their work
• explore the questions and phenomena driving observations
• explain sensors and protocols (e.g., flagship stations, crowd-sourcing, upscaling, etc.)
• discuss data management, user access and visualization
• compare strategies for communicating data from remote locales
• visit exemplary transects and observatories • create new collaborations
• formalize cooperative arrangements.
Please hold the dates July 16-19, 2014 and prepare for an international exchange on mountain observatories!
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