
Policy Brief

Mountains cover 25 percent of the world’s land surface, and directly support 12 percent of the world’s population living within mountain regions. Sustainable mountain development should be a global priority given the multitude of ecosystem goods and...

Don't miss the fast approaching deadline - Friday 30 January 2015 - to submit your abstract for papers, posters and videos.

The XIV World Forestry Congress will take...

150 world leaders and businesses have pledged to end deforestation by 2030
Forests are essential to our future. More than 1.6 billion people depend on them for food, water, fuel, medicines, traditional cultures and livelihoods.


This country profile contains an analysis of the causes of deforestation and forest degradation in Peru, and the economic, institutional and political context in which REDD is emerging in the country.

Peru has a total forest area of approximately...

The Institute of Forestry/Tribhuvan University, is organizing the International Conference on Forests, People and Climate: Changing Paradigm in collaboration with the Department of Forest Research and Survey/Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Nepal and Forest and Landscape/University of Copenhagen, Denmark with a theme “Forest for livelihood prosperity in the face of climate change.”...

A General Overview of Mountain Laws and Policies with Insights from the Mountain Forum's Electronic Conference on Mountain Policy and Law. 2000

Laws and policies concerning the conservation and sustainable development of mountain peoples and ecosystems are relatively small in number. Yet mountain areas are some of the most important regions in the world and are environmentally,...


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