Unless countries in the Himalayan and downstream region strengthen collaboration to address food, water and energy issues, the region is likely to face an unprecedented food crisis. This was the underlining message of the two-day regional ‘...
Nowhere is this more true than in the world's mountain regions, which have been identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as among the most vulnerable to climate change.
Global water resources are facing increasing pressure from climate change and...
(15 October 2014, Thimphu, Bhutan and Kathmandu, Nepal)
Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen launched the National Geospatial Portal during the Bhutan GIS Expo in Thimphu on Monday. The National Geospatial Portal will serve as a gateway for users across Bhutan to discover, access, and...
The international conference titled ‘Mountain People Adapting to Change: Solutions Beyond Boundaries Bridging Science, Policy, and Practice’ will be held from 9–12 November 2014 in Kathmandu, Nepal as ICIMOD’s annual flagship event. The conference...
El Centro Internacional para el Desarrollo Integrado de las Montañas (ICIMOD) está preparando el Foro de la Juventud de Asia-Pacífico 2013 en temas de montaña y Agenda de desarrollo post 2015, que tendrá lugar en Katmandú, Nepal ...
Nota adaptada del International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Buscando colocar las cuestiones de montaña en el debate internacional acerca de medio ambiente, economía y desarrollo sostenible se reunieron el pasado mes de setiembre en...
Message from the Director General for International Women’s Day 2015
(Kathmandu, 8 March 2015)
Each year on 8 March, organizations and individuals around the globe come together to honour women’s struggle for social and economic equality and...
ICIMOD is looking for a gender expert with substantive conceptual and theoretical knowledge and understanding of gender issues in natural resource management, climate change, and social systems; who is capable of providing technical...
The Gender, Water and Adaptation Specialist will substantially contribute (around 80% of the position) to the Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience (HI-AWARE) Research Initiative. HI-AWARE is a four-year programme aimed...
In the Hindu Kush Himalayas, climate change is threatening the livelihoods of those directly dependent on agriculture and the natural resource base. Rural women are disproportionately vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to their socially constructed roles and...