mountain development

In preparation for the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that will take place in Paris during the period 30 November – 11 December, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat in collaboration...

ICIMOD announce the release of a new publication and a video on ‘The Value Chain Approach for Mountain Development: Case Studies from...

‘Mountains: Our Life, Our Future – Progress and perspectives on sustainable mountain development,’ a publication launched at the Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership, examines the environmental and social issues at stake in the world’s mountains over the last twenty years...

A symposium on mountain economy will take place 6-8 May 2014 in Guiyang, China, organized by Guizhou University of Finance and Economics (GUFE) with support from the Guizhou provincial government...

Under the name of "knowledge platform for sustainable mountain development", on Wednesday, September 18, Miguel Saravia gave a presentation of the Mountain Forum as a platform for knowledge management in the service of those interested in the topics...

The “Asia-Pacific Ministerial Dialogue: From the Millennium Development Goals to the United Nations Development Agenda beyond 2015” will be held in Bangkok during 26-28 August 2013 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand, and will be the first...

The Mountain Research Initiative and the DendroLab at the University of Nevada/Reno will hold in Reno a Global Fair and Workshop on Mountain Observatories, examining how we gather data on mountain social, biological and abiotic systems. It will also be an opportunity to visit state-of...

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