soil conservation

The role of healthy soils in climate protection and food security was a major focus of the COP21 international climate summit in Paris.

More than half of the 158 submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) ascribe importance to the agricultural sector. In...

Landscapes are a keystone in the study and synthesis of social and environmental processes. They are part of a wide range of approaches that explicitly integrate spatial heterogeneity, path dependency and fluxes and feedbacks between people and the resources and ecosystems they use....

High altitude soils vary so greatly that it is hopeless to generalize about the physical properties and nutrition in them. The soil of a mountain ridge top may be rocky, shallow, and alkaline, but the valleys below that ridge may be loamy, deep and acidic. Mountain gardeners will find...

Mountain soils are the fragile foundations of ecosystems that ultimately provide water for more than half the world's population. A new FAO book offers technical insights on the sustainable management of mountain soils, which are home to a vast array of human activities ranging from...

This International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) conference, which is organized under the auspices of the International Year of Soils 2015 and the 350th Anniversary of the Christian Albrechts University, will address the broad question: 'Do we underestimate the consequences of new...

How ancient water technology could help keep the taps running in Lima.

Peru's capital Lima is the second-largest desert city in the world. Although the region enjoys a surplus of water during the rainy season, keeping it is a problem. The excess often ends up...

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) works to reduce hunger and poverty, and improve human nutrition in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the ecoefficiency of agriculture....
  • Events deadline extended until 13 March
  • Don’t miss the extended deadline of 13 March 2015 to apply to organize an event at the XIV World Forestry Congress.

We welcome proposals for side events, networking events,...

Two websites are under way that will serve as information resources on events and activities planned for the 2015 International Year of Soils (IYS). The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)...

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