

GMBA Workshop on "Integrated assessments for IPBES in the framework of a world-wide high mountain environmental observatory system" at INTECOL conference, London...

This issue of Farming Matters presents a small sample of the many innovative marketing arrangements being developed by both producers and consumers. These experiences generate substantial employment, and also build local food security and food sovereignty. Yet they...

There will be a special session on "Accelerated Warming at High Elevations: Evidence, Processes, and Future Projections" at the Fall 2013 AGU Meeting in San Francisco (A002 in Atmospheric Sciences). 

Deadline for abstract submissions is August 6.


SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) as a regional centre for agriculture research and development initiated series of regional studies and consultations on emerging issues impeding agricultural development. The efforts have resulted in publication of 16 manuscripts which are of relevance...

Lima, Jul. 01. An international glacier forum organized by National Water Authority (ANA) is being held in Peru's northern region of Ancash to coordinate current and...

Mountain Research and Development (MRD) plans to contribute to the UN’s International Year of Family Farming 2014. We are seeking policy- and practice-oriented, well-validated insights into effective arrangements for advancing and enhancing family farms.

MRD is also calling...

About 75 per cent of emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region suffer from low levels of water security, with millions still living without safe water supplies and sanitation facilities, according to a study...

This is to announce a new online resource: The MAGICC6 climate model. You will be able to select or upload your own emission scenario, calculate greenhouse gas concentrations, radiative forcing and global-mean/hemispheric temperatures online.

Aside from being a great...

Ce présent rapport couvre la période allant de janvier 2012 à décembre 2013. Il a pour objectif d’informer les parties prenantes du processus du développement durable en montagne, le Gouvernement du Mali, tous les pays et partenaires impliqués (nationales ou internationales) des...


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