Latin America

Por Ana Lucía Escudero

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) declaró el 2013 como el “Año Internacional de la Quinua”. Antes de ese entonces...

  • Objetivo: Propiciar un espacio de intercambio de conocimientos ancestrales como de innovaciones en prácticas de desarrollo rural en la región Altoandina con miras a la adaptación local frente al cambio climático, y promover la recuperación y valoración de las...

t's almost that time of year again...AGU is just around the corner! After four days of meetings, talks and presentations, it'll be time to unwind. Come share your new ideas, contacts and enthusiasm with other mountain researchers at the ...

Dear colleagues and friends,

Please sign and disseminate this petition concerning climate change in mountain areas. To bring delegates’ attention to the severe impact of climate change on mountain areas and mountain peoples at the 21st session of the Conference of Parties (...

Dear colleagues and friends,

Please sign and disseminate this petition concerning climate change in mountain areas. To bring delegates’ attention to the severe impact of climate change on mountain areas and mountain peoples at the 21st session of the Conference of Parties (...

In most people's minds, the treeless landscape of the tundra is usually associated with Arctic countries somewhere in the northern hemisphere, but, in fact, you can also come across the tundra in the Czech Republic, that is in the Giant Mountains in the north-east of the country. Just...

En el Perú, , el cambio climático es una amenaza que posee tantas aristas como ecosistemas existen en la costa, sierra y selva del país. No solo somos uno de los países con mayor diversidad biológica del mundo, sino que contamos con una de las poblaciones más grandes de la región...

Las “Contribuciones Previstas y Determinadas a Nivel Nacional” (INDCs) son la piedra fundamental para la construcción de un nuevo acuerdo climático en la COP 21 a...

MRI would like to draw your attention to the following roundtables and oral sessions hosted by them at the Perth Conference "Mountains of Our Future Earth". We hope...

A unique system for tapping underground water sources was developed in the drainage of the Rio Grande de Nasca in Pre-Columbian times. This technique involved the excavation of horizontal trenches and tunnels to reach subterranean aquifers that hold water deep beneath the ground. Still in use today by the inhabitants of the valley, these tunnels, wells and trenches are known collectively as...


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