
The environmental services provided by natural ecosystems are often taken for granted until they are lost.
These services may include hydrological benefits, sedimentation reduction, disaster prevention, and biodiversity conservation. A new approach known as Payment for Environmental...

II Conferencia Anual de Municipalidades Rurales - CAMUR 2006. Presentación de la experiencia de KIEJ de los Bosques S.A.

Desde finales de los años ochenta el tema de la biodiversidad ha adquirido más prominencia, como lo ilustra la Cumbre de la Tierra y la adopción del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica. Más o menos una década después, se está completando en países en desarrollo la primera generación...

Trends in natural resource exploitation and consumption patterns have increased the need
for resource conservation and pollution control in the South Pacific. The need for greater government resources, implied by the intensification of environmental management, has coincided with...

Este artículo contiene información sobre las experiencias en Pago por Srevicios Ambientales en Costa Rica, el Marco Legal para pago por servicios ambientales y el marco Conceptual que rige en pago por servicios ambientales.

Part I gives an overview of how the economic values of protected areas can be assessed, provide new insights and inform the debate. The case studies in Part II identify those sites where
protecting the environment has made a significant contribution to the economy – increasing...

This study was commissioned by the sectoral project ‘Protected Area and Bufferzone Management’ of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). The study’s objective is to describe the current international practice and discussion of environmental funds as a tool to...

A menudo se asume que las prácticas de uso de la tierra generan importantes impactos sobre los recursos hídricos y afectan a la población situada aguas abajo en la cuenca. Los pagos de la población afectada aguas abajo a la población situada aguas arriba por los «servicios hidrológicos...

This publication is intended to be a living document through the associated website at Protected area financing is now core business for protected area managers, and the body of knowledge is rapidly expanding. As protected area managers come to grips with the...

Proyect implemented as part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kioto Protocol will have the dual mandate of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, and contributing to sustainable development. Basic agreement an core elements was reached in 2001, including the decision to...


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