
Este número está dedicado a uno de los ecosistemas más diversos y extraordinarios de nuestro país, el páramo.
Se contó con la colaboración del Proyecto Páramo, que se dedica a la investigación y conservación de los páramos de nuestro país.

This study examines a variety of innovative benefit-sharing mechanisms implemented in Suriname and demonstrates how they can be used in connection with bioprospecting to promote biodiversity conservation. The project started in 1993 and is expected to provide a long-term compensation...

Este folleto resume las vivencias y experiencias de mujeres campesinas que creyendo y dando lo mejor de ellas han logrado unirse para construir una propuesta y un modelo de desarrollo socia, económico y equitativo, cuya base están en sus lazos de cooperación y solidaridad.


Trinidad and Tobago are the southernmost islands of the Caribbean archipelago, and are geologically an extension of the South American continent. Trinidad is separated from Venezuela by the seven (7) mile straits of the Gulf of Paria. The area of Trinidad is 4828 km2 while Tobago is...

The third objective of the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which has now been ratified by 180 Parties, requires the benefits derived from the commercial and scientific use of genetic resources to be shared fairly and equitably with countries that provide the resources (...

This case study discusses how Costa Rica was able to reverse this trend, mainly during the period 1994- 1998. Although a policy and financial planning process was not undertaken as such, certain elements of these will be highlighted as lessons learned. This exercise may help other...

Biodiversity is a good example of a resource that is managed locally, but is also subject to much wider claims as a public good – often a public good valued for the diffuse actual or potential value to all humanity around the world. As public concerns about biodiversity management grow...

El presente documento está basada en la experiencia de Met@LoGo en Perú y detalla el proceso de reforma en la gestión de las municipalidades, a lo largo de sus etapas de acuerdo con la metodología aplicada en los cuatro países involucrados en Met@LoGo: Chile, Colombia, Honduras y Perú...

This is a case study about the evolution of thinking in Bolivia on how to attain sustainability of their
protected area network. It is an interesting story because it addresses so many elements of what is
required to achieve sustainability in addition to just finances. As a...

In the Fall of 2001, The Nature Conservancy (the Conservancy), the United States Government (USG), and the Government of Belize (GOB) agreed to enter into a debt-for-nature swap project to preserve approximately 23,000 acres of rainforest in Belize and provide for its management well...


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