
La corporación Autónoma Regional en Cundinamarca-CAR, con el fin de dar cumplimiento a las metas del Plan de Acción Trienal 2007-2009, referente a la meta 21.1, Acción 1, contempló el diseño, implementación y monitoreo de veinte experiencias en GESTION COMUNITARIA PARA LA CONSERVACION...

The present paper analyses the factors driving the present crisis from ICIMOD’s mountain perspective, examining the consequences of our policy on food security, and assessing the need for adjustment.
Studies undertaken by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the...

No one understands better than farmers do how the weather, especially when it takes a turn for the worse, can affect people and their land. That’s why farmers around the world have always talked and worried about the weather obsessively. But now, emerging weather patterns have a lot of...

This report is an output of the project Adaptation Strategies to the Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of El Niño for Rural Communities in Ecuador and Peru supported by the Trust Fund
for Environmental and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD) and led by the Climate Change...

Este estudio localiza y analiza los principales cambios de cobertura y uso de la tierra sucedidos en un lapso de 15 años en una cuenca hidrográfica de 27.186 ha, ubicada en los Andes Colombianos. A partir del análisis detallado de la matriz de cambio se conoce sobre las variaciones...

La Coordinadora Ecuatoriana de Agroecología -CEA- es un organismo integrador de instituciones públicas y privadas, organizaciones campesinas y personas que llevan adelante programas de desarrollo rural con enfoque sustentable...

Access to safe and affordable water is considered to be a basic human right, yet the universal reality does not reflect this principle. A lack of adequate capacity and financing, and national policies which often rely on unsustainable use of water resources, prevent effective and...

This document was originally prepared for the Multistakeholder Dialogue on Trade and Climate Change: Key Issues for Developing Countries, September 2‐3 in Port‐Louis, Mauritius, organised by ICTSD and the Commonwealth Secretariat and co‐hosted by the Ministry of Finance and Economic...

Revista científico cultural de la Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abab del Cusco. Este número 113, correspondiente al primer y segundo trimestre 2008, consta de 37 articulos. El maíz: Recurso Alimenticio es un compendio sobre los diversos aspectos del cultivo de este...

Poverty in Focus is a regular publication of the International Poverty Centre (IIPC). Its purpose is to present the results of research on poverty and inequality in the developing world. Support is provided by the Swedish International Development Cooperation.
According to the 2005...


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