River basin
Proper water planning demands a deep understanding of hydrological changes in the river flows.
The economic life of Pakistan highly depends on the flow of the Indus River basin which supports large areas of irrigated agriculture and plays a significant role in...
Water flows in Peru's Cañete basin
How do we balance user of ecosystems services - such as clean water - with preservation of the environments that provides such benefits? In the Cañete river basin on Peru's central coast, partners are working to do just that...
How to balance use of ecosystem services—such as clean water and air—with preservation of the environments that provide such benefits? In Peru, citizens and private sector actors have long been collaborating to establish rewards mechanisms that aim to ensure the continued provision of...
Recognizing the importance of exchange of experience on the establishment and functioning of joint bodies, the Parties to the Water Convention have included in the Work Programme for 2013–2015 two workshops to promote the exchange of experience and good practices between joint bodies...