The «wgms Glacier App» provides scientific information and photographs of more than 3,700 glaciers. The app of the World Glacier Monitoring Service, hosted at the University of Zurich, provides public access to glacier observations from around the world. It shows how many glaciers are...
The world's mountains host some of the most complex, dynamic and diverse ecosystems. But these environments are under severe threat, ranging from local deforestation and soil degradation to global climate change
Global climate models project stronger...
The dynamic assessment and monitoring of available water resources and seasonal predictions are a basis for the sustainable management and use of water resources. To this effect, an International Conference on Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Prediction is being organized in...
OECD Environment Working Papers No. 74
This paper explores methodological approaches that can be used to monitor and evaluate climate change adaptation initiatives at the projects and programme levels. It examines approaches that have been used in other areas of...
by Manuel Peralvo, CONDESAN
The Andean region shares with other mountain areas in the world steep environmental gradients interacting with complex social and economic dynamics that influence patterns of access to...
An ancient forest of mature pine trees, standing upright under 100 feet of water in a small lake in the Tahoe Basin, helps scientists as they study how changing climate can affect mountain environments and the communities in them. The trees, discovered and studied by a University of...