Andean Paramo Project wins award for popularizing science and technology

Thursday, 19 September, 2013 - 11:23

The project “Andean Paramo: Diversity Conservation of the Desert in Northern and Central Andes”, known as "Andean Paramo Project" Venezuela coordinated by the Institute of Environmental and Ecological Sciences , University of Los Andes - ICAE - turned Award winning Popular Science, Humanistic and Technological Disclosure Statement Best Initiative in issue for the 2012.

The said award was granted to the Andean Paramo Project in recognition of the emphasis on the dissemination of the importance of conservation and sustainable management of the moors as strategic systems, which was possible through the implementation of an effective communication strategy and commissioning mechanisms up technical training, environmental education, community involvement and systematization of the experience.

The Outreach Awards, Humanities and Technology are presented annually by the Territorial Unit of the Ministry of Popular Power for Science, Technology and Innovation - and aim FUNDACITE acknowledged the efforts of individuals or organizations that guide advocacy and dissemination of processes inherent in scientific reasoning, knowledge generation and its relevant application. In the 2012 edition mentions was convened Best Disclosure Initiative, Best Paper and Best Paper Newspaper Disclosure, being deserted for the last two evaluator jury's decision.

With the announcement and delivery of this recognition, the Bolivarian Government, through MCTI, confirms its interest in strengthening initiatives to scientific knowledge socialization and democratization in access to technology.

The Awards for Popular Science, Technology and Humanities will be delivered in conjunction with the Regional Awards for Science and Technology special event, the date , time and place will be announced.


About the Project "Páramo Andino - PPP"

It was a regional initiative that works for the conservation and sustainable use of the moors of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru . The PPP key management executes actions in 14 pilot sites along the northern Andes.

This initiative was funded by the Global Environment Facility - GEF through the United Nations Program for the Environment - UNEP, is led by the Consortium for Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion - CONDESAN, and executed by four national agencies:

In Venezuela, the Institute of Environmental and Ecological Sciences ( ICAE ) , University of the Andes , Merida ;

In Colombia, the Research Institute Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources - IAvH ;

In Ecuador, Ecociencia Foundation;

And in Peru, The Mountain Institute.

Likewise, the PPP story with the technical assistance of the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and the University of Wisconsin (USA).


Source: Territorial Unit MCTI Press Merida / Andean Paramo Project

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