Call for papers: World Summit on Global Warming, Health and Environmental Resources Management (WSGHE 2017)

Thursday, 3 November, 2016 - 08:52

The upcoming 3rd World Summit on Global Warming, Health and Environmental Resources Management (WSGHE 2017) to be held in London from 15th to 20th January, 2017 will lay emphasis on Natural Disasters, Nutrition and Public Health, Environmental and Water Resources Management, Biodiversity, Pollution Control, Waste Management, Clean Energy, Science and Technology. Leveraging on the success of the past events, this year’s summit will bring together renowned experts, researchers, scientist in these fields, as well as numerous papers, workshops and colloquium presentations by researchers and practitioners. 

Thematic Areas:

Public Health, Waste Management, Renewable Energy, Environmental Impact of Energy Consumption, Sustainable Energy Policies, Environmental Engineering, Air Pollution Monitor, Climate Change and Global Warming, Control of Groundwater Pollution, Water Quality Monitoring, Environmental Protection Engineering, Biological and, Medical Engineering, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Healthcare Information Systems, Telemedicine, Medical and Veterinary Sciences, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, Biology and neuroscience, Genetics and Human Genetics, Microbiology Food Engineering. 

Topics very close to these thematic areas can also be considered but must first be discussed with the summit secretary before being prepared.


  • Climate Change Experts:  12, Hendon Lane, Finchley, London, N3 1RT.
  • Please email: for more information. 

Proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, or colloquies are requested from interested individuals. Virtual participation is available for those who are unable to attend the summit in person. A limited number of Access Grant Award will be granted to participating delegates from developing countries attending the summit for financial assistance. For more information about the ideas and themes underlying this summit, online registration, accommodation, access grant scholar award and venue, kindly email the summit secretary; Dr. Frederick Jonathan.

Proposals are reviewed in phases and may be submitted any time up to the final deadline. Proposals for In-Person presentations submitted prior to the Interim Deadlines are given special guarantees and considerations.

Proposal Submission Deadlines for 2017 Summit:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline:  10th November, 2016.
  • Notification of acceptance:   17th November, 2016.
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline:  10th December, 2016.
  • Summit Dates: 15th - 20th January, 2017. 
Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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