Peruvian civil society prepares for the COP 20 and a new global climate agreement
On Wednesday 18th December at 08:30, the public launch of the PeruCOP 20 Group will take place.
The UN Conference of the Parties on Climate Change will take place in Peru for the first time.
The COP 20 will take place in Lima from the 1st-12th December 2014. Its aim is to work towards a new global climate agreement to stop the emission of green house gases and other urgent measures to confront climate change. Today it’s necessary that all countries do their up most on this important matter.
Accordingto the UN, climate change is“the biggest threat that humanity has ever faced,” with the southern countries, such as Peru, being the most vulnerable to its effects.
Peruvian civil society is well aware of this process and has formed the Peru COP 20 Group, made up of organizations, unions, NGOs, indigenous groups, young people, women, churches and other civil society organizations from all over Peru, who have joined together to propose ways to achieve a new, fair and binding climate agreement.
The Peru COP 20 Group will mobilize society, promote dialogue with official organizations and lobby the State and the United Nations. Its public presentationwill take place in a press conference on the 18th December at 08:30 in CEPES (Peruvian Centre for Social Studies): Av Salaverry 818, Jesus Maria.
The presentation will include the participation of Dr Eduardo Calvo, VicePresident of the Working Group on Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation from the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change, who will evaluate measures that can be taken to confront the causes and effects of climate change.
NellyRivera Guerrero
433-6610- 989313776
Fuente: Grupo COP 20
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