Record numbers at the IMS Photo Contest

Thursday, 1 August, 2013 - 22:24

Another edition of the IMS Photo Contest has been concluded and the Kiku. International Mountain Summit again sets record numbers on international level.

It is indeed the biggest photo contest on the topic of mountains on international level. 2400 enthusiasts of photography and professionals from 98 different countries have sent us their best pictures under the motto “Mountain.Lights&Shadows”.

The photographers let off steam during the last three months, sending us high quality pictures with creative interpretations of the mountains full of light or with particular shadows. Legendary and less known peaks with sunsets, rainbows, polar lights, stars, artificial lights and many other lights too are depicted on these pictures. On the website of the IMS it is possible to start a tour to the borders of the world by clicking on the interactive map and thus discovering the pictures of various participating countries.

One of the reasons to motivate so many photographers is certainly the award show, the KIKU Photo-Award, in which the winner will be awarded 3000 EUR. The technical jury will chose the three finalists. The 100 most beautiful pictures will be exhibited in a digital format in the Raiffeisen affiliates, in Munich in the Globetrotter shop and during the IMS.

As of 1st until 18th August it will be possible to vote the favourites by choosing 10 pictures in the gallery, which most inspire the viewer. The Public Voting by BMW will award the photographers with the most votes with prizes offered by Gore-Tex, KIKU, BMV, Aku together with the new guides on the climbing walls of Arco and the annual subscriptions of outdoor magazines.

Together with the public voting, the new website of the IMS will also go online with a new layout which will be more interactive and with the names of the new protagonists who will participate at the IMS 2013 (17th -22nd October)

This year the Festival will be dedicated to mountain stories and risk and will welcome protagonists such as Benedikt Böhm (extreme ski mountaineer), Alexander Polli (the Wingsuit pilot who crossed the Batman cave at 200km/h), Rossana Podestà (actress and companion in life of Walter Bonatti) and many others too. Get informed now on

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