WEBINAR: Understanding the COP21 Contributions in Light of Renewable Energy in Latin America: Mexico and Costa Rica

Thursday, 24 September, 2015 - 09:34

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is conducting a webinar in partnership with Latinoamérica Renovable, LLC and Nivela. The focus of the webinar is understanding the contributions of COP21 in light of renewable energy in Latin America: Mexico and Costa Rica. Please join us for the webinar on 28 September 2015 at 09:00 am EDT.

Description: Countries across the globe are committed to create a universal climate agreement by COP21 held in Paris in December 2015. The Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) will be the key items for negotiation. During this webinar, Dr. Araya will give us an overview of the INDCs and their importance. Dr. Ley and Dr. Palma-Rojas will exemplify INDCs using two specific cases, Mexico and Costa Rica, respectively. We will conclude the webinar with Dr. Lopez’s remarks on Latinoamerica Renovable’s bioenergy initiative to address renewable energy in transportation, which is a future application of renewable energies in the region.

Date: September 28, 2015
Time: 09:00 am EDT
Reserve your seat here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3824869269175623425


For further information, please visit the IRELP website at www.irena.org/irelp.

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