Existen mitos en torno a la forestación y el agua. En esta entrevista, Carlos Llerena, experto forestal y profesor de la Universidad Agraria la Molina en Perú, nos explica cuáles son algunos de estos mitos y nos da algunas recomendaciones.
Para información adicional lee...
Las Naciones Unidas oficializó el 2011 como Año Internacional de los Bosques, cuyo lema es “Los bosques, para las personas”.
El lanzamiento global se realizó el 2 de febrero durante la reunión de alto nivel de la Novena Sesión del Foro de Bosques de las Naciones Unidas, en...
Landscapes are a keystone in the study and synthesis of social and environmental processes. They are part of a wide range of approaches that...
'Making the Voices of Global Civil Society Heard and Heeded!'
In parallel to the World Forestry Congress (WFC2015) being held in Durban this September,...
Open position at the Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, Hamburg, Germany.
The Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, one of 14 specialized institutes of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research...
- Events deadline extended until 13 March
- Don’t miss the extended deadline of 13 March 2015 to apply to organize an event at the XIV World Forestry Congress.
We welcome proposals for side events, networking events,...
The International online conference ‘Economics of Climate Change Mitigation Options in the Forest Sector’ organized by the FAO Forestry Department started today. It will run in the next three weeks in February with six sessions covering afforestation and reforestation...
The International online conference ‘Economics of Climate Change Mitigation Options in the Forest Sector’ organized by the FAO Forestry Department started today. It will run in the next three weeks in February with six sessions covering afforestation and reforestation...
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a nonprofit, global research organization dedicated to advancing human well-being, environmental conservation and equity.
We conduct research that enables more informed and equitable decision making...
Around five football fields of tropical forest have been illegally cleared every minute between 2000 and 2012 according to a new report.
The authors say that consumer demand in Europe and the US for beef, leather and timber is driving these...