climate change

Over 100 state and non-state partners of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) met in Kathmandu to develop a five-year strategic plan of action today. The plan will enable us to stay on the pathway of limiting global warming to 2°C, harness health, food, and energy benefits, and...

Two months after the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place in Lima, Peru, the ...

Conferences and committees the world over are recognizing the importance of youth  representation. However, youth participation is still largely limited, particularly in the international arena, to a ‘demand to be heard’. Youth involvement can also often be tokenistic – where young...

Flyer about the Global Programme Climate Change (GPCC) over those four pillars:

  1. Climate change – multilateral processes and financing
  2. Climate change – adapting to the unavoidable
  3. Knowledge management – learning to master the future together
  4. ...
The impact of climate change on development is evident. People in developing countries are much more affected by climate change due to widespread poverty and lower resilience and coping capacities. The negative impacts of climate change threaten lives and livelihoods, as well as the...

Genetic resources for food and agriculture play a crucial role in food security, nutrition and livelihoods and in the provision of environmental services. They are key components of sustainability, resilience and adaptability in production systems. They underpin the ability of crops,...

Asia’s High Mountains (AHM) are at particular risk from shifting climate, as much of the region is highly dependent on seasonal rainfall and glacial runoff for water resources, and many communities lack the resources to respond to the effects of rapidly shifting climate. AHM are also vulnerable to increases in frequency and intensity of extreme weather. Management strategies are complicated by...

In 2015 the world’s governments will define a global agenda for sustainable development, amidst global trends of rising inequality, declining economic growth rates, and mega public-private partnerships accelerating the scramble for resources, assets, and markets. In this context, a...

The sheer number of events and gatherings in Lima during COP20 both inside and outside the official venue was staggering. Compared to previous COPs, including COP16 in Cancun, Mexico, the number and quality of events focusing on Latin America was unprecedented and...

Serie sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible de las Regiones de Montaña

Algunas de las señales más claras y visibles del cambio climático, tales como el retroceso de los glaciares, se encuentran en las zonas de montaña. Pero las implicaciones del cambio climático en las...


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