North America

En el marco de la Feria y Seminario sobre Observatorios de Montaña, que se celebrará del 16 al 19 de julio, en Reno, EE. UU., el coordinador de Medios de Vida de CONDESAN, Manuel Peralvo, ha convocado una sesión sobre "La implementación de plataformas de monitoreo a largo plazo de la...

Now in its third year, Carbon Forum North America has firmly established itself as the place to go to keep abreast of the latest thinking and developments in the North American carbon space—for policy insiders and market-players alike. Join policy-makers, leading analysts, and...

There will be a special session on "Accelerated Warming at High Elevations: Evidence, Processes, and Future Projections" at the Fall 2013 AGU Meeting in San Francisco (A002 in Atmospheric Sciences). 

Deadline for abstract submissions is August 6.


In the wake of the tragic news that 19 heroic members of an elite "Hotshot" firefighting team were killed in Arizona, there's been renewed discussion about climate change and how...

The Mountain Research Initiative and the DendroLab at the University of Nevada/Reno will hold in Reno a Global Fair and Workshop on Mountain Observatories, examining how we gather data on mountain social, biological and abiotic systems. It will also be an opportunity to visit state-of...


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