Climate Change Adaptation

Two Missoula researchers have punched a slight hole in the prevailing wisdom that wildlife in the world’s mountainous regions might more easily overcome climate change than their flatland counterparts because they won't have to go as far to get to a suitable environment.


Around 5,000 glaciers in northern areas of Chitral district and Gilgit-Baltistan region are melting at a much faster rate due to increase in average temperatures in the mountainous valleys.

“Presently, glacial melting is among major global warming-...

A new study published in the journal Global Ecology and Biogeography says that climate change is to be blamed for alterations in the ability of Rocky Mountain forests to recover from wildfire.

The changing climate is said to be altering the ability of...

A new study published in the journal Global Ecology and Biogeography says that climate change is to be blamed for alterations in the ability of Rocky Mountain forests to recover from wildfire.

The changing climate is said to be altering the ability of...

La comunidad internacional se ha fijado como objetivo limitar en 2°C el aumento del termómetro global, generado por las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, lo que de no lograrse tendría impactos graves e irreversibles según los científicos. A cinco meses de la conferencia de...

En Bonn, Alemania, delegaciones de 195 países intentarán mejorar un documento de 80 páginas elaborado en febrero en Ginebra, que contiene numerosas redundancias y contradicciones, sobre las políticas a abordar para enfrentar el cambio climático.

La carrera para...

The search for Momentum for Change’s 2015 Lighthouse Activities is on! Applications are being accepted from 21 January to 24 April. Spearheaded by the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, Momentum for Change shines a light on the most innovative, scalable and replicable examples...

Please join Peru’s water regulator SUNASS, the Swiss Water Partnership, and Forest Trends for a special event announcing the largest financial commitment to green water infrastructure for any Latin American city.

  • When:...

Please join Peru’s water regulator SUNASS, the Swiss Water Partnership, and Forest Trends for a special event announcing the largest financial commitment to green water infrastructure for any Latin American city.

  • When:...
Many national and international environmental agreements acknowledge that the impoverishment of ecosystems is limiting the world’s capacity to adapt to climate change and that ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approaches should be harnessed as a priority. EbA has the potential to increase adaptive capacity and social and ecological resilience to climate change in both developed and developing...


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