clean energy

Los acuerdos alcanzados en la #COP21 sobre Cambio Climático, le dan un mensaje claro a los países de la región sobre su matriz energética. Internalizar las externalidades de las diversas opciones energéticas se convierte en una prioridad para las políticas y estrategias nacionales....

Joe Romm, de Climate Progress, presenta la nota (aquí: El telón de fondo son las notables mejoras de los últimos años en tecnologías de energía renovable, que pusieron la energía solar y eólica al alcance de igualar los costos de la generación de...

Access to modern energy services is a prerequisite for sustainable development. In Vanuatu, only one third of households have access to electricity, most of which are connected to the government regulated grid in the two main urban areas (Port Vila and Luganville). Yet 75 per cent of...

The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) is a high-level forum for the world’s major and forward-leaning countries to promote policies and share best practices with the goal of accelerating the transition to a global clean energy economy. The CEM is voluntary and collaborative, enabling...

Energy transition theory and its applications in energy policies and development interventions are dominated by the traditional theory of the energy ladder. The linear model predicts a positive relationship between socio-economic development and transition to more efficient, cleaner, and costly energy sources. This study demonstrates, however, that households do not follow the projected patterns...

The first version of the Energy Toolkit, a collection of leading instruments and methodologies for low-emission, climate-resilient development planning in the energy sector, is now available. The goal is to offer energy practitioners, policymakers, and experts a quick reference guide...

Renewable energy currently provides the main hope that the world can avoid the catastrophic consequences of climate change. But in addition to its bigger picture promise, renewable technologies can help solve the pressing social and environmental problems of local communities without...

New figures show investment fell to $254bn in 2013, with a drop in Europe of 41%.

Global investment in clean energy fell for the second year in a row to $254bn last year, with green investment in Europe crashing by 41%, new figures showed on Wednesday.


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