La protección de Derechos Humanos como el Derecho de Acceso a la información y el Derecho a la Participación constituyen la base de la gobernanza y la democracia ambiental. Estos derechos de tipo procedimental han sido reconocidos por el Derecho Internacional como fundamentales para...

A record number of more than 170 nations attended the signing ceremony of the Paris Climate Agreement (PA) at the United Nations headquarters in New York on April 22.

The event was a significant one,...

The role of healthy soils in climate protection and food security was a major focus of the COP21 international climate summit in Paris.

More than half of the 158 submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) ascribe importance to the agricultural sector. In...

Governments, institutions and agencies are increasingly considering ways in which women and gender considerations can be better integrated into climate action planning. The Paris Climate Change Agreement and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals agreed last year are accelerating this...

In December at the Global Landscapes Forum in Paris, EcoAgriculture Partners, the Global Canopy Programme, the World Wide Fund for Nature, the Nature Conservancy, and IDH – the Sustainable Trade Initiative debuted The Little Sustainable Landscapes Book, which clarifies...

Predicting the future isn’t easy, just ask the makers of Back to the Future II. Their leftfield vision of 2015 from the ‘80s amused the internet for days...

El Perú está comprometido a la implementación progresiva de sus Contribuciones Nacionales (iNDCs por sus siglas en inglés). La meta es ambiciosa: una reducción del 30% respecto a las emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI) al año 2030, teniendo en cuenta el...

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