
  • News

    La Agenda Climática Municipal de La Paz


    Durante el mes de noviembre, a pocas semanas del comienzo de la Conferencia Climática COP 21 en París, se desarrollaron varios eventos sobre los efectos del calentamiento global en la ciudad de La Paz, con el objetivo de concientizar y motivar a la población de tomar un rol activo en la...

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    Mobilizing financial resources to support sustainable development


    In the last decades, steps have been taken toward sustainable financing through a variety of new sources, mechanisms and tools. A basic premise in sustainable financing is the need to build up a diversified funding that can ideally bring together both private and public stakeholders into...

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    New online tool maps lands managed and protected by indigenous people


    Indigenous people have historically demarcated their ancestral lands in a variety of ways, from rudimentary agreements and maps to, more recently, drone surveys. But until now, there has been no systematic way of recording the actual boundaries and legal status of each swath of land managed by...

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