
In recent years, people living in the mountainous regions of Nepal are facing acute food insecurity. Severe climate change and remoteness combined with political and social marginality make mountain people vulnerable to food shortages. According to the Food and Agriculture...

Rural farmers in many parts of the world are already using ‘smart’ agricultural practices like intercropping, agroforestry and rainwater harvesting.

But what if those practices benefitted the livelihoods and landscapes of millions more?

Climate-smart agriculture, the...

Forman parte del ancestral legado agrícola de la región, fijan nitrógeno en los suelos y poseen cualidades nutricionales únicas.

Naciones Unidas proclamó 2016 como el ...

En Colombia hay cerca de 400 especies de plantas nativas que se pueden comer. Los habitantes del territorio nacional podrían comer un fruto o semilla distinta al día sin repetir ¡por más de un año! Sin embargo, la mayoría de colombianos come pocas frutas y verduras, casi siempre...

En mis vacaciones de diciembre, emprendí una aventura espectacular: subir el Nevado del Tolima en Colombia. Es un volcán hermoso de 5200 metros, incluyendo un glaciar alucinante en su cumbre. Escalar esta montaña implica caminar cuatro días por los bosques y páramos del Parque...

For researchers trying to figure how to feed a world of 10 billion people later in this century, the great objective over the past decade has been to achieve what they call “sustainable intensification.” It’s an awkward term, not least because of conventional agricultural...

Agricultural growth is a key pathway towards addressing development issues such as food and nutrition insecurity and poverty, which climate change is already exacerbating. And gender may just be the piece of the puzzle that we have been paying ‘lip service’ to for far too long. We...

Agriculture has been historically slow to progress under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), but several recent decisions have opened the door for meaningful debate on agricultural issues. 

In 2014 the UNFCCC's Subsidiary Body for Scientific and...

From Bonneville County, Idaho, to Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, tablet-toting agronomists with Anheuser-Busch InBev — the world's largest brewer by volume — are visiting farmers who grow the company's malt barley, a key ingredient in beer. These meetings are a decades-old ritual:...

  • Se ofrecen más de 20 productos emblemáticos de la cocina peruana de varias regiones del país

La Sociedad Peruana de Gastronomía – Apega ha implementado la plataforma de negocios en Internet denominada 'El Gran Mercado'...


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