
It is a platter of boiled potatoes. Steaming, damp, large, plain boiled potatoes.

That’s all it is.

But of course, it is infinitely more than that.

For one, it’s a shaft of sunlit hospitality from a deeply kind and generous people. After a long chat in a...

Traditionally, Ethiopia is referred the water tower of Africa. The abundant water resources are manifested by rivers, underground water, ponds and lakes. The availability of seasonal rainfall in Kiremt and Belg seasons makes the water volume to increase. In...

This paper explores the impact of climate risk on the adoption of risk decreasing practices and other input choices and evaluates their impact on subjective and objective measures of household welfare (namely net crop income and a food insecurity indicator). The analysis is conducted primarily using a novel data set that combines data from the largescale and representative Ethiopia Socioeconomic...

Eucalyptus is becoming a dominant tree in the highlands of Ethiopia. The flowering trees that originated in Australia are surprisingly well suited to the region, says a Cornell graduate student. They grow quickly and do not require fertile soil. In Ethiopia, most eucalyptus species do...

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