
The 2014 International Conference and Utility Exhibition on “Green Energy for Sustainable Development” being organized by the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand will be held on 19-21 March 2014 at the Jomtien Palm Beach Resort and Hotel, Pattaya City, Thailand. ICUE 2014’s...

Water levels of the critical rivers that originate in the Himalayan glaciers will not drop over the next century, say scientists.

The latest research led by Dr Walter Immerzeel, a scientist from Utrecht University in the Netherlands and visiting scientist at the International...

A series of publications from the UN-REDD National Programme for Indonesia focussing on REDD+ and its potential to achieve multiple social and environmental benefits are now available. 

These four brochures include a guide to decision-support tools for REDD+ and the use of...

Come September, Kohima will be host to the third Sustainable Mountain Development Summit (SMDS-III), an annual key activity of the Indian Mountain Initiative (IMI) that aims to provide a platform for the mountain states of the Indian Himalayan Region to come together, share...

Over the last decade, market practitioners working for Practical Action across South Asia, Eastern and South Africa, Latin America and the UK have developed, tested and improved a participatory and systematic approach to markets that reduces poverty as scale - PMSD. Participatory...

The “Asia-Pacific Ministerial Dialogue: From the Millennium Development Goals to the United Nations Development Agenda beyond 2015” will be held in Bangkok during 26-28 August 2013 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand, and will be the first...

Eucalyptus is becoming a dominant tree in the highlands of Ethiopia. The flowering trees that originated in Australia are surprisingly well suited to the region, says a Cornell graduate student. They grow quickly and do not require fertile soil. In Ethiopia, most eucalyptus species do...

An International Conference on “Green India: Strategic knowledge for combating climate change: Prospects & challenges” (GISKCCC2013) will be held at the Department of Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India during December 5-7th , 2013, to...

The International Hydrological Programme (IHP) is taking the lead to implement UNESCO’s contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation through an intersectoral project entitled "Climate Change Impacts in Major Mountainous Regions of the World: Multidisciplinary Network...

SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) as a regional centre for agriculture research and development initiated series of regional studies and consultations on emerging issues impeding agricultural development. The efforts have resulted in publication of 16 manuscripts which are of relevance...


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