
Final report of the ITKNET Major Conference that was held on the 28th and 29th of June in Florence in the Sala Giunta of the Region of Tuscany. Its objetives were organize and consolidate an international network of experts on Traditional Knowledge; proposal of operational and...

Natural Resources Management Division Working Paper No. 2007-1

This working paper is based on collaborative work conducted by scientists from the International Potato Center and the Rice Research Station of the Department of Agriculture of West Bengal, India. It reports the...

This report will examine several broad questions:

- How has agriculture changed in developing countries in the past 20 years? What are the important new challenges and opportunities for agriculture?
- Which new sources of agricultural growth can be captured cost effectively...

El Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente se conmemora el 5 de junio de cada año, siendo el vehículo a través del cual las Naciones Unidas estimulan la concientización sobre el ambiente a nivel mundial, además de promover la atención y acción política. El siguiente documento se centra en el...

In this issue of Stockholm Water Front:
- Eight great reasons to attend the World Water Week
- Global Warming: Water the Main Mediator
- Meet the Stockholm Water Prize Laureate
- Water for Food, Water for Life
- Donor Approaches to Water Policy

De todos los usuarios sectoriales, la agricultura es la que presenta mayores posibilidades de contribuir a una gestión integrada del agua mediante una mejora de las prácticas agrícolas y el reconocimiento de que tiene que justificar su uso en términos económicos y ambientales. Dado el...

This report summarizes the results of the "Questionnaire on Environmental Problems and the Survival of Humankind" (2006), a survey conducted annually by the Asahi Glass Fundation since 1992. This year, the questionnaire was designed to gauge the perceptions of environmental experts...

Este documento es el resultado del esfuerzo conjunto entre el Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE), el Instituto de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI), y la Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA) para establecer criterios conjuntos y comunes para la delimitación de las cuencas...

Ecoregional Programs (ERP) were initiated by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in the early 1990s to improve the management of natural resources in collaboration with national and regional partners. The programs focus on specific ecological and...

Informe de Oxfam, mayo 2007

El cambio climático representa un desafío para los actuales modelos de crecimiento económico: todos los países tendrán que encontrar vías hacia un futuro de bajo carbono para poder mantener las temperaturas mundiales a menos de dos grados centígrados...


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