
Este documento contiene el resumen de el Exámen anual de la eficacia en
términos de desarrollo que reune las pruebas que se desprenden de la labor realizada recientemente por el Grupo de Evaluación Independiente del
Banco Mundial para analizar la trayectoria de los países y del...

This publication embodies the collaborative efforts of agencies and organizations within and outside the United Nations system, working through the Inter-agency and Expert Group on MDG (Millenium Development Goals) Indicators. It contains the latest and most comprehensive figures...

The multifaceted challenges of contemporary governance demand a complex account of the ways in which those who are subject to laws and policies should participate in making them. This article develops a framework with which to understand the range of institutional possibilities for...

Cuando hablamos de los efectos de la globalización sobre los pueblos indígenas, creo que hay que señalar que estos efectos son de carácter tanto positivo como negativo. Por un lado, los múltiples problemas que afrontan los pueblos indígenas son resultado de una serie de procesos...

Poor people need and use water for a wide range of essential activities, including earning much-needed incomes. Deliberately making provisions for these multiple uses of water when designing and managing water-supply and irrigation schemes could greatly reduce poverty, increase gender...

This report is particularly intended for use by project managers who may have specialized knowledge in particular fields but who may need a broader framework for inquiry addressing the site-specific context of a PWES initiative. A closely related purpose of this report is to help...

The plea for a sustainable development path and the need to cope with transboundary and global
pollution issues requires the development of new and effective policies in which economic instruments have an important role to play.
The importance of economic instruments for...

It is widely appreciated that insufficient investment is being made in conserving biodiversity, and
that innovative approaches are required for generating the additional financial support required for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity.
The need for additional...

Insufficient investment is being made in protected areas, and innovative approaches are required for generating the additional financial support required.
The need for additional resources arises from the imbalance between a country's needs for managing protected areas on the one...

A menudo se asume que las prácticas de uso de la tierra generan importantes impactos sobre los recursos hídricos y afectan a la población situada aguas abajo en la cuenca. Los pagos de la población afectada aguas abajo a la población situada aguas arriba por los «servicios hidrológicos...


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