
The third objective of the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which has now been ratified by 180 Parties, requires the benefits derived from the commercial and scientific use of genetic resources to be shared fairly and equitably with countries that provide the resources (...

In the Fall of 2001, The Nature Conservancy (the Conservancy), the United States Government (USG), and the Government of Belize (GOB) agreed to enter into a debt-for-nature swap project to preserve approximately 23,000 acres of rainforest in Belize and provide for its management well...

This study examines a variety of innovative benefit-sharing mechanisms implemented in Suriname and demonstrates how they can be used in connection with bioprospecting to promote biodiversity conservation. The project started in 1993 and is expected to provide a long-term compensation...

There is general scientific agreement that gene flow from GM crops to sexually compatible wild relatives can occur. Experimental studies have shown that GM crops are capable of spontaneously mating with wild relatives, however at rates in the order of what would be expected for non-...

Paralelo al Foro Mundial del Agua, se desarrollaron diversos Foros, como el de los niños, jovenes, mujeres, indígenas, etc. En este documento se muestran sus declaraciones.

Resources for biodiversity conservation are severely limited, requiring strategic investment. Understanding both the economic benefits and costs of conserving ecosystems will help to allocate scarce dollars most efficiently. However, although cost-benefit analyses are common in many...

Despite increasing attention to the human dimension of conservation projects, a rigorous, systematic methodology for planning for ecosystem services has not been developed. This is in part because flows of ecosystem services remain poorly characterized at local-to-regional scales, and...

Cosecha Urbana - En La Iniciativa Global de CGIAR para la Agricultura Urbana y Periurbana (AUPU) se esfuerza en contribuir a la seguridad alimentaría de las familias urbanas más pobres, y en incrementar el valor de la producción agrícola en zonas urbanas y periurbanas, asegurando...

In: Natural Resource Perspectives 103

This paper asks how the rural poor might benefit more fully from global economic processes. It argues that, whilst the scope for the more entrepreneurial to link into value chains associated with either agriculture or the non-farm rural...

Los camélidos sudamericanos silvestres y domesticados constituyen, a no dudarlo, fuente de
interés de numerosos investigadores de diferentes disciplinas científicas en todo el mundo.
Este IV Congreso Mundial sobre Camélidos constituye, a nuestro entender, un ámbito propicio


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