
Glänzel & Schoepflin relections on what they define as a crisis affecting scientometrics is certainly a
challenge to all of us committed to its development. What is more, the cogitation does not merely
denounce the growing weadnesses that can be recognized within the...

This case study explains how an NGO International Development Enterprises (IDE) goes about the task of technology development and promotion, and how it has built up and improved on this in two technological sectors. The focus of the case is IDE’s efforts to introduce a new type of...

The UNESCO Science Report 2005 takes us on a world tour. Through the eyes of an international team of experts, it analyses the current state of science around the globe. What new trends have emerged since the previous report was published in 1998? What events have helped to

This book is about the distribution and abundance of different types of organism, and about the physical, chemical but especially the biological features and interactions that determine these distributions and abundances

La Tierra, con sus diversas y abundantes formas de vida, que incluyen a más de 6.000 millones de
seres humanos, se enfrenta en este comienzo del siglo veintiuno con una grave crisis del agua. Todas
las señales parecen indicar que la crisis se está empeorando y que continuará...

Esta es una recopilación de todos los trabajos presentados en el IV Congreso Mundial de Camélidos llevado a cabo en Argentina del 11 al 15 de octubre del 2006.

Este recurso contiene la recopilación de las presentaciones dadas en el IV Congreso Mundial de Camélidos. Abarca temas de sanidad, enfermedades, desarrollo de mercados y conservación.

In the coming decades the world will need to more than double its food and feed production, almost all of the increase being needed in developing countries. This has socioeconomic and biophysical implications. Traditional component and commodity research addresses overly narrow issues...

In the coming decades the world will need to more than double its food and feed production, almost all of the increase being needed in developing countries. This has socioeconomic and biophysical implications. Traditional component and commodity research addresses overly narrow issues...

Approximately two billion people, one third of humanity still has no access lo electricity. and thus relies un fuel-based lighting, a dangerous alternative of last resort that is unhealthy. expensive, and offers very poor levels of illuinination. This lack of light makes it difficult...


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