Mountains Climate Change
The newest issue of Mountain Research and Development (MRD)—Vol 36, No 2—is now available online and open access. In this Focus Issue, several papers address modernization and sustainable development, showing that development in mountains can take up positive aspects...
Presented by: Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Eco region (CONDESAN), UN Environment Programme (UNEP), GRID-Arendal, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Moderator Barney Dickson, UNEP, opened the session that...
The present report draws on a wide range of recent sources and in particular attempts to compile in a simple and concise manner the information presented in regional and global reports and policy briefs prepared by multiple partners for the Lucerne World Mountain Conference in 2011...
Trying to move a mountain used to be an expression for doing the near impossible yet now it is done frequently, almost every month recently. Luckily mountains are moving in more ways than one…
Physically mountains are being made to disappear, or having their tops...
Just before the floods in Toronto, President Jeff Melanson of Banff Center sent an email to all on the mailing list expressing heartfelt thanks for the help received during the devastating flooding in Banff. Nowadays risk management of extreme weather and coping with natural disasters...