MRI Global Newsflash, January 2015

Friday, 16 January, 2015 - 09:24
MRI begins a new blog series

From the Andes to the Zagros and from glacier lake fauna to sustainable tourism, the interests of the MRI community are extraordinarily diverse. One of the challenges of serving such a community is delivering information that is both useful and interesting to as wide a range of people as possible.
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January blog posts

Information and coordination: facing challenges in environmental governance systems in the Andes
Posted by Manuel Peralvo
The Andean region shares with other mountain areas in the world steep environmental gradients interacting with complex social and economic dynamics that influence patterns of access to and use of natural resources. In this context, environmental governance systems ...
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What did I get from the AGU 2014?
Posted by Greg Greenwood
On one hand, big meetings such as the AGU are important venues for MRI to pursue its "promotion and coordination" agenda with KCWs, Mixers and Sessions. On the other hand, such meetings give you ...
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CH-AT: What's in it for you?
Posted by Claudia Drexler
If you are a Swiss or Austrian mountain researcher who subscribes to the "two minds are better than one" principle, join the CH-AT research network! It operates on the assumption that the two neighbouring Alpine countries ...
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Spoiler: Photo contest

The MRI will soon be announcing a photo contest as a lead up to the Mountains of Our Future Earth Conference in Perth, Scotland this October. The prize categories will follow the themes of Future Earth and include additional categories like "Scientists at Work". More information will follow in the next few weeks, but start digging out your favorite mountain photos now!


MRI wants to hear from you on Facebook! The MRI uses Facebook to build camaraderie in the mountain research community by posting both offbeat articles about all things mountains and fun articles about our members. Our portrait series last year was quite popular, so we'd like to call on you again.Send us a short (~150 words) note about one of your favorite funny memories from the field and we'll share your stories via Facebook all through the month of February. Pictures are also welcome. Stay tuned for the March series!


Don't forget to follow us on Twitter! We'll help you connect with the global mountain research community, so follow us @MtnResearch.

Mount Kenya’s Vanishing Glaciers


Read this New York Times article about how one photographer uses fire to draw attention to Mount Kenya's vanishing ice.
Read it here.

MRI’s new “Mountain Mixer” at AGU 2014 a hit!

During the most recent AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, the MRI launched a new networking event, the "MRI Mountain Mixer". After a long week of talks and seminars, participants had the opportunity to unwind and make new connections.
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Conference: Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World

7-9 July 2015
Smokovce, High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia
The conference will provide the opportunity to present and discuss the potentials and limitations of current and possible future approaches to mountain forest management for providing portfolios of ecosystem services under current and future climatic and socio-economic conditions.
For more information, visit the conference webpage.

On the effects of scale for ecosystem services mapping

Grêt-Regamey A, Weibel B, Bagstad KJ, Ferrari M, Geneletti D, et al. (2014) On the Effects of Scale for Ecosystem Services Mapping. PLoS ONE 9(12): e112601. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112601
This collaborative paper was made possible through a Synthesis Workshop convened by MRI. 
Open access at PLOS ONE

Mountains and climate change: A global concern

Kohler, T., Wehrli, A. & Jurek, M., eds. 2014. Mountains and climate change: A global concern. Sustainable Mountain Development Series. Bern, Switzerland, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Geographica Bernensia. 136 pp. Download

Mountain Research and Development, Vol 34, No 4 on Family Farming in Mountains is now out!

This MRD Focus Issue addresses the question to what extent and how institutions and organizational arrangements of family farmers have been able to cope with current multiple challenges in the context of global change, and whether family farmers in mountains benefit from new opportunities. The geographical range of papers in this issue reaches from Italy to Ukraine, Slovakia, China, Bolivia, and Spain.
Read it here

Latest START Announcements: calls for ACCFP applications, hurricane summit abstracts, and more

Check out the latest calls for abstracts and announcements of grant, training, and fellowship opportunities from START and their partner organizations in the past month (December 2014) at

Job vacancy: Program Director in the Ecosystem Science Cluster at the US NSF

Program Director at the National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is seeking candidates for Program Director in the Ecosystem Science Cluster (ES) within the Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) , Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) in Arlington, VA. The application process closes on February 9, 2015. 

Travel Funds for IALE Congress

US-IALE Sponsored Student Travel Awards For 2015£
Up to ten (10) travel awards, valued at up to $500 each, have been made available to support students to attend the 2015 US-IALE World Congress in Portland, Oregon.

NASA-MSU Award Applications
NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Awards (up to $700 each) are given to students, postdocs, and junior researchers (e.g., assistant professors) cover expenses associated with attending the World Congress of IALE (International Association for Landscape Ecology) in Portland, Oregon, during July 5-10, 2015.
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Yours sincerely,
Claudia Drexler

The Mountain Research Initiative
c/o Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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