Mountains Sustainability



Representatives from across the world including governments, international...

The newest issue of Mountain Research and Development (MRD)—Vol 36, No 2—is now available online and open access. In this Focus Issue, several papers address modernization and sustainable development, showing that development in mountains can take up positive aspects...

Traditionally, Ethiopia is referred the water tower of Africa. The abundant water resources are manifested by rivers, underground water, ponds and lakes. The availability of seasonal rainfall in Kiremt and Belg seasons makes the water volume to increase. In...

A new paradigm for natural resource management is needed if we are to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. What is now widely known as Integrated Landscape Management (ILM), inclusive of all spatially-based, inclusive, participatory, and multi-...

It is with pleasure that we invite you to Mountain Futures, an innovative conference on mountains in the Anthropocene, to take place from 1–4 March 2016 in Kunming, Yunnan, China.

The conference is different in that it seeks to collect and nurture seeds of a positive...

In preparation for the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that will take place in Paris during the period 30 November – 11 December, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat in collaboration...

Migration is greatly affecting mountain societies and mountain ecosystems. Mountain Research and Development...

Rising temperatures are melting the Sierra Nevada snowpack

As the world warms, it leads to very obvious results such as a reduction in snowpack in various parts of the world. While this seems intuitive, there are some caveats. A warmer world is also...

Renewable energy currently provides the main hope that the world can avoid the catastrophic consequences of climate change. But in addition to its bigger picture promise, renewable technologies can help solve the pressing social and environmental problems of local communities without...

A call for events, presentations, displays and videos
'Making the Voices of Global Civil Society Heard and Heeded!'
In parallel to the World Forestry Congress (WFC2015) being held in Durban this September,...


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