
The solution — or at least part of the solution — to Miriam Cacho’s water woes might lie in some ancient and mostly-forgotten stone canals that line the mountains far above her home.

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En la comunidad de Huamantanga, zona donde la época de lluvias dura aproximadamente cuatro meses, se practica una técnica ancestral de recarga hídrica conocida como "mamanteo“. Ésta busca regular el paso natural del agua por la cuenca y su posterior aprovechamiento durante la época de estiaje. Componen el sistema del mamanteo las Quebradas, Acequias de mamanteo o de infiltración, Acequias de...
Para la comunidad de Huamantanga uno de sus recursos más preciados que tiene dentro de su territorio es el Agua, ya que su principal actividad es la ganadería y la agricultura, los comuneros actualmente suben su ganado a las cabeceras de cuenca lo cual con el tiempo fue degradando los suelos y con esto los comuneros se han dado cuenta que el agua en la parte baja de su territorio que utilizaban...

How ancient water technology could help keep the taps running in Lima.

Peru's capital Lima is the second-largest desert city in the world. Although the region enjoys a surplus of water during the rainy season, keeping it is a problem. The excess often ends up...

Non-governmental agency helping farmers restore ancient system in Andean region and revitalise their water supplies.

High in the Andean region of Peru, ancient Peruvians stored water in ancient canals dating back to the seventh century. In modern Peru...

This study assessed four such interventions in terms of cost and potential to improve dry season baseflows, namely: animal exclusion from overgrazed puna grasslands, introduction of rotational grazing practices on currently overgrazed puna grasslands, hydrological restoration of...

by Elizabeth Harball, E&E reporter 
Twitter: @ElizHarball 

Seeking to provide a reliable water supply to its growing population as climate change...

by Fred Pearce

A revival of pre-Inca water technology in the mountains of the Andes is set to keep taps flowing in the drought-affected Peruvian capital, Lima. Grouting ancient canals, it turns out, is a far cheaper solution to the city's water crisis than building a...


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