A record number of more than 130 countries will sign the landmark agreement to tackle climate change at a ceremony at UN headquarters on 22 April, ...

Agriculture has been historically slow to progress under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), but several recent decisions have opened the door for meaningful debate on agricultural issues. 

In 2014 the UNFCCC's Subsidiary Body for Scientific and...

Christiana Figueres will step down in July after six years at the helm of the UN’s top climate body.

The Costa Rican diplomat, who helped forge the first global warming accord to bind all nations in Paris last December, said in a letter that she would not...

"One remarkable feature of the Paris outcome is that all Parties can identify with it, and call it their own. This sense of collective ownership was made possible by the tremendous work achieved under the Durban platform for several years, the informal meetings held throughout 2015,...

El cambio climático impacta a las regiones de montaña más que muchas otras partes del globo. Las bases de vida de las poblaciones de montaña peligran por temperaturas más altas, eventos extremos, cambios en las precipitaciones y el retroceso de los glaciares.

Para llamar la...

Nuevo informe de la ONU sintetiza los planes climáticos nacionales de 146 países antes de París

Está en marcha un esfuerzo mundial sin precedentes para combatir el cambio climático, lo que alimenta la confianza en que las naciones pueden, de manera rentable,...

The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) was created by a consortium of UN entities (UNESCO, UN-DESA, UNEP, Global Compact and UNU) in the run up to the United Nations Conference on...

No hay duda que para lograr un Acuerdo Global, que ayude a la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático, se necesita la colaboración de científicos y líderes políticos que propongan soluciones y tomen decisiones que beneficien a las sociedades y futuras generaciones. Sin embargo...

As climate negotiations gather momentum, it is not too late to take action on agriculture, the sector that can ensure our future food security and play a key role in adapting to climate change and mitigate future greenhouse gas emissions.



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