Environmental Management

World Environment Day (WED), 5 June is a widely celebrated global day for positive environmental action. The theme for this year’s WED is ‘Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care’. To commemorate this...

ICIMOD continued to coordinate and rally the broad regional and international teams in the ongoing post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts of the Government of Nepal. The ICIMOD Task Force on Geo-hazards continued to map and assess hazards created by landslides, rock...

The Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) to be held in Sendai, Japan on 14–18 March 2015 will review progress in disaster risk reduction (DRR) over the past 10 years under the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), and adopt...

by Manuel Peralvo, CONDESAN

The Andean region shares with other mountain areas in the world steep environmental gradients interacting with complex social and economic dynamics that influence patterns of access to...

How to balance use of ecosystem services—such as clean water and air—with preservation of the environments that provide such benefits? In Peru, citizens and private sector actors have long been collaborating to establish rewards mechanisms that aim to ensure the continued provision of...

Trying to move a mountain used to be an expression for doing the near impossible yet now it is done frequently, almost every month recently. Luckily mountains are moving in more ways than one…

Physically mountains are being made to disappear, or having their tops...

Nota publicada por el Programa Desarrollo Rural Sostenible (PDRS)


Se calcula que las tierras secas ocupan el 25% del territorio de América Latina y el Caribe, siendo Argentina el país con mayor extensión de tierras secas, con casi 2 millones de km2,...

Nota publicada por BBC Mundo


En apariencia no hay nada que distinga a Fabiola Quishpe, con su chal rojo y su sombrero negro, de otras mujeres de su pequeña comunidad en los Andes ecuatorianos. Pero lo cierto es que ella dista de ser una típica indígena.


Convocatoria enviada por el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)


El Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) en colaboración con el Gobierno de Finlandia tiene a bien informar que se ha abierto la Primera...

El Fondo Nacional del Ambiente del Perú (FONAM) fue elegido como una experiencia interesante en gestión del cambio climático a presentarse en el "III Foro Internacional de Cambio Climático. Situación Actual y...


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