Nepal's magnitude 7.8 Gorkha earthquake caused significant damage and loss of life in 2015. In natural disasters like this, it is critical to locate areas that are in the most need of assistance as fast as possible.

Quickly assessing and communicating where the hardest-hit...

When we finally get people to Mars to live and form a colony, what will they eat? Eventually these pioneers will have to move away from the supplies they take with them from Earth and start to grow their own food in the Red Planet’s soil. In the movie "The Martian," partly famed for...

In the hit movie, “The Martian”, NASA astronaut Mark Watney survives by planting potatoes in one of the modules of the ...

A huge chunk of rock and ice slid down the flanks of Canada's Mount Steele on Oct. 11, at a dizzying speed — one estimate suggests a whopping 123 mph (nearly 200 km/h).

The aftermath of the gargantuan ...

Ver un vídeo realizado con imágenes a cámara rápida a partir de muchas fotografías puede ser algo emocionante (una flor que se abre, un pollito rompiendo el huevo…) o también divertido (un montón de gente entrando en el metro como hormiguitas) y hasta es posible que tenga un efecto...

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