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    Why the humble Peruvian potato is so appreciated in Kazakhstan


    The people of Kazakhstan, an Asian country as large as all of western Europe, eat more than 110 kg of potatoes a year per person. The custom of eating potato has been handed down from father to son since the tuber became popular there in the 19th century. But why do they consume more potatoes...

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    The world's climate pledges are impressive - but still not enough


     There are still seven weeks to go before the crunch UN climate change conference in Paris, at which a new international legal agreement is due to be negotiated. Yet it can already chalk up a remarkable success. 149 countries, covering almost 90% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, have...

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    Improving food security in mountains


    Agriculture is the most dominant sector in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan (HKH) countries. It significantly contributes to food security, livelihoods and rural economy of the region. The region as a whole remains a net food deficit area. Increasing population pressure, diminishing landholdings, soil...

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