
As the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) enter the final stages of debate before being adopted in September 2015, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat and members are engaging in a social media...

I am pleased to inform you that we have officially launched our jointly sponsored Summer School on “InVEST Models:  Mapping and Valuating  Ecosystem Services for better decision making”.

From 7th to 11th of September the Department of...

Mountains cover about 27% of the world's surface. How much of it do you know?

Chances are, you work in less than 1% of those 27%, and are only likely to visit another tiny per cent. Curious about what you're...

In the past couple of weeks, climate change has captured the headlines: Leaders of the G7 agreed to a decarbonization of the global economy over the course of this century; Pope Francis released...

The solution — or at least part of the solution — to Miriam Cacho’s water woes might lie in some ancient and mostly-forgotten stone canals that line the mountains far above her home.

  • ...

by Nele Schmitz

“What would happen if we cut all trees?”. Deforestation is always presented as a big drama, while plantation actions get all cheers. We know forests are important for a whole list of things. If all trees would be cut,...

ISLAMABAD: Glaciers across the world are seriously threatened by climate change and global warming, warned international experts in a recently-released report.

The team of scientists came together as part of the...

The on-going UN negotiations for a 2015 climate agreement have yet to resolve two fundamental legal issues on which the effectiveness of this agreement will hinge. First, they have yet to resolve the precise legal form this agreement will take. Parties agreed in Durban, 2011 to...

Key Points

  • Frustration and anger are growing at the lack of progress and consensus in climate negotiations at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). If governments are going to take on meaningful commitments to reduce their...


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