
Non-governmental agency helping farmers restore ancient system in Andean region and revitalise their water supplies.

High in the Andean region of Peru, ancient Peruvians stored water in ancient canals dating back to the seventh century. In modern Peru...

Investment in clean energy has risen substantially over recent years, but we are still not safe from the 2°C threshold for climate change. The world needs greater access to climate finance, explains Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework...

The aim of this guide is to provide asset owners with a range of investment strategies and solutions to address the risks and opportunities associated with climate change. The guide is targeted at asset owners and more specifically at trustee boards and investment committees, but...

Illegal logging in Ghana is partly a problem of poverty. Changing the policy environment — especially enforcement to combat illegal logging — has proved to be important over the years, but needs to be complemented by offering alternative income opportunities to illegal activities to...

The goal of reaching an ambitious globally binding climate agreement by 2015 is one of the key challenges that the international community needs to address. Issues on how private finance can be linked to public funding structures to ensure sufficient funding for mitigation and...

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is a mitigation instrument that creates a financial value for the carbon stored in standing forests. The purpose of REDD+ is to provide incentives for developing countries to mitigate forest-related emissions and...

Changing Climate, Moving People is a 35-minute film made by The Energy Resource Institute (TERI), for UNESCO, which looks at disaster or climate stress related migration from three different regions in the country – Uttarakhand, Bundelkhand and Odisha. These three states are already...

This study assessed four such interventions in terms of cost and potential to improve dry season baseflows, namely: animal exclusion from overgrazed puna grasslands, introduction of rotational grazing practices on currently overgrazed puna grasslands, hydrological restoration of...

A new IUCN study examines, for the first time, how commercial agriculture and forestry production could reduce global biodiversity loss by applying innovative approaches already used by some companies in the extractive and infrastructure industries. 


This report is an outcome of an exploratory workshop held by IUCN in October 2013, and subsequent discussions in 2014, of a working group of relevant business and conservation experts (see authorship and participation on page 3). The working group was convened by IUCN’s Global...


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