
This guide is intended to support the preparation of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) by Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It was initiated at the request of several LDCs, who asked for...

Resilient Cities - The Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation - is the global platform for urban resilience and climate change adaptation, hosted every year in Bonn. It was first launched in 2010 with the goal of connecting local government leaders...

The World Bank Group is launching a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on climate change on April 20th. This MOOC, hosted on Coursera, is FREE and contains the most recent scientific evidence on climate change. Explore forward-looking scenarios about your world:...

Glacier warning

Alberta is on track to lose up to 95 per cent of its Rocky Mountain glaciers this century due to climate change, suggests a new report, and a prominent freshwater scientist says that will have a big effect on our water supplies.

Garry Clarke,...

The 7th World Water Forum, the largest water-related event in the world will take place this year in Daegu & Gyeongbuk, Korea from April 12th to 17th. This is a large-scale international conference that is held every three years since 1997 in cooperation with the public, private...

Since its creation, nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) have increasingly been studied, formulated and implemented, in expectation to realizing the potential to mitigate and reduce GHG emissions, as well as to advancing low carbon and sustainable development in...

by Elizabeth Harball, E&E reporter 
Twitter: @ElizHarball 

Seeking to provide a reliable water supply to its growing population as climate change...

by Fred Pearce

A revival of pre-Inca water technology in the mountains of the Andes is set to keep taps flowing in the drought-affected Peruvian capital, Lima. Grouting ancient canals, it turns out, is a far cheaper solution to the city's water crisis than building a...

En las últimas décadas América Latina ha experimentado, a diferentes velocidades y con rasgos variados según los países, significativos progresos en su desarrollo económico y social, como se observa en el sostenido crecimiento económico, en la reducción de la pobreza y en logros...

Los países de América Latina y el Caribe atraviesan un momento histórico, en que ostentan progresos socioeconómicos, estabilidad política y liderazgo internacional. En la región emergen además consensos y puntos compartidos, pese a la diversidad de miradas y énfasis. Uno de ellos es...


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