
Las Naciones Unidas se encuentran organizando el 11º período de sesiones del Foro de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Bosques. Este evento se llevará a cabo en la Sede de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York del 4 al 15 de mayo de 2015, bajo el tema general “Los bosques: progresos, desafíos...

India has emphasised inclusion of adaptation as a part of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC). For understanding adaptation requirements, we need to understand and value climate change impacts first. This preliminary assessment tries to estimate the cost of global...
National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) are the key instrument for translating the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) into national action. The role of NBSAPs was reinforced in 2010 by the adoption of the 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets at the Tenth Meeting of...

According to a recent study by the United States Geological Survey, it has unveiled that climate change will terribly affect southwestern Wyoming.

If this happens, it will make Wyoming quite vulnerable to wildfires and affect plant and animal life in the region. The scientists...

The international political response to climate change began at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, where the ‘Rio Convention’ included the adoption of the UNFCCC. This convention set out a framework for action aimed at stabilising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to...

La Agencia de Medio Ambiente del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente de la República de Cuba se encuentra organizando la X Convención Internacional sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo que se realizará, entre el 6 y el 10 de julio del 2015, en el Palacio de Convenciones de...

Amina Mohammed, Special Adviser on the post-2015 development agenda for the United Nations, talks to AGRA FACTS journalist Rose O’Donovan about the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including the Zero Hunger Challenge...

The CIAT works to reduce hunger and poverty, and improve human nutrition in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture. The main goal of the Decision and Policy Analysis Program (DAPA) is...
For millennia, humankind has struggled to develop water resources for domestic water supplies, to provide irrigation, and to limit flood losses. This struggle to leverage water-related opportunities and manage water-related risks, while addressing social and environmental demands,...

La Dirección de Medio Ambiente del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas de Cuba se encuentra organizando el VI Simposio Internacional de Medio Ambiente. Este evento se llevará a cabo en el Palacio de las Convenciones en la Ciudad de La Habana del 22 al 26 de junio del 2015,...


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