
by Manuel Peralvo

Landscapes are a keystone in the study and synthesis of social and environmental processes. They are part of a wide range of approaches that...

In 2002, the European Union Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) was ratified. This paper uses the lens of one policy measure triggered by the EPBD – Display Energy Certificates (DECs) for non-domestic buildings – to describe the difficulties experienced in capitalizing on...

In February 2015, the ‘Beyond Enforcement’ symposium brought together over 70 researchers, community representatives, United Nations and government officials and NGOs to explore whether and under what circumstances community-based interventions are likely to achieve success in combating current patterns of illegal use and trade of wildlife. This meeting report includes an outline of the policy...
En términos de recursos naturales América Latina es la región más rica del mundo. Las múltiples finalidades de la naturaleza –subsistencia para las comunidades, ingresos para los Estados, commodities para las compañías, y biodiversidad para los conservacionistas– han convertido la gobernanza medioambiental en una arena altamente disputada en la región. relaciones de poder asimétricas, prioridades...
The handbook provides an insight into the key issues linked to managing and restoring aquatic ecosystems. The information draws from real-life experiences, practical examples and expertise acquired in national and transboundary basins throughout the world involving people from public authorities and water practitioners right down to community levels. It is the knowledge source that not only...
This report seeks to provide a synthesis of the current state of knowledge on the world’s tropical forests and an objective evaluation of policy responses intended to protect and nurture them. It aims to stimulate discussion within the policy communities of donor and tropical...

For the first time in it history, the Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations explicitly and globally recognized the importance of family farms as part of the solution to its hunger program. The year 2014 was named the International Year of Family Farming. Family...

At the close of the Meeting of G7 Foreign Ministers in Lübeck today, the Ministers announced a stronger collective commitment to tackling the climate-related risks faced by weak states. This follows the presentation of an independent report – ...

From October 12th to 18th  2015, in Brixen (South Tyrol - Italy)

The mountain world meets up again in Brixen.  This year the mountain festival stands under the motto “Meet your experiences”.

Creating meeting points within presentations, excursions and...

May 2015 will mark almost a year since the First Annual Sustainable Energy for All Forum, a landmark event that officially launched the United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All 2014-2024, as declared by the UN General Assembly including the initial two- year focus on Women...


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