
The Water and Sanitation Promoter believes that there is a spirit of ownership among villagers that can be tapped into by someone within their own community.

Sanitation is a familiar term but is often misunderstood to mean the building and using of toilets but this isn’t true....

Message from the Director General for International Women’s Day 2015 
(Kathmandu, 8 March 2015)

Each year on 8 March, organizations and individuals around the globe come together to honour women’s struggle for social and economic equality and...

... by Jason Bittel for National Geographic

A lack of snow on the Tibetan Plateau may be pushing thirsty yak females into steeper habitat.

High on the Tibetan Plateau of Central Asia, you'll find the largest remaining population of wild...

The Adaptation, Readiness, and Mitigation Project (ADMIRE) invites proponents in selected countries to nominate ideas for private sector engagement in mitigation actions and climate resilience building efforts.

  • Admire website and Application:...

The Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) to be held in Sendai, Japan on 14–18 March 2015 will review progress in disaster risk reduction (DRR) over the past 10 years under the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), and adopt...

GWP is recruiting a Senior Network Officer to work in the Network Operations Unit, to be based at the global secretariat in Stockholm.

The successful candidate is expected to have considerable...

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has taken a series of decisions to make its reports more accessible and involve developing countries more closely in its work. 
  • Events deadline extended until 13 March
  • Don’t miss the extended deadline of 13 March 2015 to apply to organize an event at the XIV World Forestry Congress.

We welcome proposals for side events, networking events,...

Al conocer a Marino Morikawa durante la organización del Premio Coca-Cola a la Ecoeficiencia 2012, su postulación llamó mi atención debido a que aseguraba que estaba evaporando la contaminación que afectaba a un humedal ubicado en Chancay en Lima, Perú. Indicaba que era posible...

The world's mountains host some of the most complex, dynamic and diverse ecosystems. But these environments are under severe threat, ranging from local deforestation and soil degradation to global climate change

Global climate models project stronger...


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