
The Project on Sustainability Transformation beyond 2015 (POST2015 project) has established a database on goals and indicators for sustainable development, to support the work of policy makers and scholars engaging...

The joint Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and UN Development Programme (UNDP) Water Governance Facility (WGF) released a report, titled ‘Working with Indigenous Peoples in Rural Water and Sanitation: Recommendations for an Intercultural Approach.'


KATHMANDU: Mountain communities in Nepal have joined their hands to form an alliance in order to save mountain ecosystem which, they said, is more vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change.

Formally announcing a 17-member Climate Alliance of Himalayan Communities (...

In recent years, open access information resources has grown to unprecedented levels. The ease to publish in electronic media facilitates scientific dissemination and reduces production costs. We can find open access electronic journals on almost any subject — from the economy to...

INDIA - Un estudio publicado en la revista Global Change Biology, realizado por investigadores de diferentes instituciones de India e Indonesia y financiado por el Departamento de Biotecnología del Gobierno de la India, utilizó el Índice Diferencial de Vegetación Normalizado (...

ARGENTINA - El libro "Bosques conCiencia destinado a niños y adolescentes fue recientemente publicado por el...

Durante el desarrollo del Programa AACC (Adaptación de la Agricultura y del Aprovechamiento de Aguas de la Agricultura al Cambio Climático en los Andes) de la GIZ, del 2010 a...

El presente documento resume los principales hallazgos de un estudio en relación al contexto de la investigación y desarrollo de granos andinos, las estrategias empleadas por el Programa Nacional de Leguminosas y Granos Andinos y el Programa Colaborativo de Investigación sobre...

To put an accurate price on carbon, you need to know how much you have and where it’s located, researchers say

Review the complete report in English: The High-Resolution Carbon Geography of Perú: A Collaborative Report of the...

Preparing for COP21 (to be held from November 30 to December 11th 2015 in Paris, France), for COP20 (to be held from 1st to 12th of December in Lima, Peru) and for the pre-COP (to be held in July and November in Caracas, Venezuela). 
The 5th IPCC...


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