
A decade after MRD’s last issue dedicated to women in mountains, this special issue provides evidence of the progress made in gender research on sustainable development in mountains. At the same time, it offers important insights into what still needs to be done. MountainDevelopment...

The UNFCCC Secretariat has released a summary report on the discussions held during an in-session workshop on long-term finance, which took place from 11-12 June 2014, in Bonn, Germany. The report (FCCC/CP/2014/3) contains information on the workshop proceedings, and summaries of its...

150 world leaders and businesses have pledged to end deforestation by 2030
Forests are essential to our future. More than 1.6 billion people depend on them for food, water, fuel, medicines, traditional cultures and livelihoods.


This country profile contains an analysis of the causes of deforestation and forest degradation in Peru, and the economic, institutional and political context in which REDD is emerging in the country.

Peru has a total forest area of approximately...

Rights and Resources Initiative is pleased to announce the release of their latest report ...

La radio France Culture met à disposition toute une série de podcasts très intéressants sur le thème des Montagnes dans le monde. Ces reportages s'adressent au grand public, afin de mieux s'approprier et de connaître les Montagnes, avec la contribution de nombreux acteurs. Les...

The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate is pleased to announce the launch of Better Growth, Better Climate: The New Climate Economy Report. Go to to find out...

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, southwest Uganda, is home to around half the world’s population of critically endangered Mountain gorilla and is situated in one of the poorest and most densely populated regions of Africa. Integrated Conservation and Development (ICD) initiatives...

At the New York Climate Summit on 23 September, the United Nations is expecting clear commitments in the area of forest climate action.

Countries that are home to tropical...

An advance, unedited version of a UN Secretary-General report to the 69th UN General Assembly provides an update on the follow-up to Rio+20 and preparation for the intergovernmental negotiations for the post-2015 development agenda. Titled ‘...


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