
Around five football fields of tropical forest have been illegally cleared every minute between 2000 and 2012 according to a new report.

The authors say that consumer demand in Europe and the US for beef, leather and timber is driving these...

Food Sovereignty is the right of the world’s peoples to produce and consume healthy food. Food cannot be reduced to a commodity in the hands of the transnational corporations

The international peasant and family farmer movement, La Via Campesina, is...

The Mountain Research Initiative invites you to participate in its Key Contact Workshop in San Francisco on Sunday, 14 December 2014

They provide a setting that stimulates interdisciplinary thinking and that allows peers to take a fresh look...

El páramo es un ecosistema, un bioma, un paisaje, un área geográfica, una zona de vida, un espacio de producción e inclusive un estado del clima. Esto varía según el valor y significado de quién interviene. Por ejemplo para un campesino y una campesina el páramo es el territorio...

  • IV Seminario Regional de EUROCLIMA, programa financiado por la Unión Europea dedicado al tema de cambio climático
  • Se presentarán diversas ponencias de países latinoamericanos para conocer acciones de combate al cambio climático y de cara a la COP 20

24 September 2014: A coalition formed by 14 governments and 32 organizations will aim to enable 500 million farmers around the world to practice climate-smart agriculture. The ‘Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture' was launched during the Climate Summit, on 23 September, and...

23 September 2014: Delegates at the first World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) adopted an outcome document calling for the appointment of a high-level UN official on indigenous peoples, and for UN system-wide coherence of efforts to bring about the full realization of...


The document that we have in our hands is a beautiful example of a development project summary that carefully documents, reflects, learns, tests new things, makes improvements to what was unproductive, and consolidates what does works while it progresses. The content is clear, precise...


The document that we have in our hands is a beautiful example of a development project summary that carefully documents, reflects, learns, tests new things, makes improvements to what was unproductive, and consolidates what does works while it progresses. The content is clear, precise...


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